Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Sorry I was making cake ? what flavour though?
  2. Oh whoops. Also, the answer is wrong  so you still need to answer, what's the last thing you take off before bed?
    P.S. I'll accept glasses but you still gotta guess the answer I have
  3. Make-up
  4.  nope 
  5.  Aussie is right.
  6.  okay, guess the cake flavour while I think of a riddle 
  7.  it says banana, vanilla or chocolate. How'd you get clam
  8. Chocolate ?
  9. Chocolate banana
  10. You weren't baking a cake
  11. ? I want cake ? and obviously the flavor is red velvet ?
  12. It was banana 
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