Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. I am full of liquid, whether it be food or water, and I can be decorative. I am what?
  2. lava lamp? Idk
  3.  lava lamps are filled with food?

    Sorry had to pick up grass
  4. A water balloon? A bottle?
  5. Now tell who is correct
  6. Fountain  I'm doing something so be back later  have a wonderful day or night all x
  7. A fountain. Those can be with water or something like melted chocolate and then you put strawberries in.
  8. ? yummmmmm ?
  9. Lava chocolate?
  10.  imagine edible lava lamps
  11. what lolly starting with M is a "chewy dragee" (whatever that means )

    I will be gifting the girl goats 
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