Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Litres* not letres
  2. Fill the 3. Pour it into the 5.
    then Fill the 3 again. Pour 2 into the 5. 1 remains in the 3. then empty the 5. Pour the 1 from the 3 into the 5.
    then Fill the 3 again. Pour it into the 5 that already has 1 in it.
  3. You fill the five leter bowl. Then fill the 3 from the 5. Then you have 2 in the 5. Empty the 3 leter bowl. And pour the 2 leters from the 5 in the 3. Fill the 5 again and carefully pour into the 3 leter bowl that already has 2 in it. Then you will be left with 4 leters in the 5 leter bowl
  4. Rina...you never said 4 :twisted:
  5. Samurai just finished my answer...half credit
  6. Change the name of this thread to
    Google me this
  7. Samuria yours is good. But you dont know for sure if you actually pour 2 exact leters into the 5
  8. but the 5 already has 2 in it, so the remainder would be 3?
  9. sorry, 5 already has 3 in it.
  10. Yeah i see it now
  11. There are two solutions. We got them both.lol
  12. Not always googled stuff ash :roll:
  13. what's a garden item that has the same name as an animal noise?
  14. Bark, as in tree bark.
  15. what months are summer?
  16. Southern: dec, jan, feb, northern: june, july, aug
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