Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. ?how can it be wrong?
  2. I thinkk she means there's only 32 once when you subtract from it, so you can only do it once i assume
  3. Ohhh, i see. That makes sense
  4.  exactly!

    Why is it better for manhole covers to be round rather than square?
  5. Most men have guts that are round not square shaped...
  6. Cos people are circle in shape so can fit down it?
  7. That is sexist...most men and women have round guts
  8. Plus it costs less in material (33% reduction) to make a round cover with the same diameter as its equivalent square cover.
  9. so that a fat man wont fit :lol:
  10. Can we get a clue??
  11. I want to get one before I sleep.
  12. because its called a "hole" duh :roll:
  13. cos the square can fall through?
  14.  something about it falling...
  15. Yeshhhh sammie
  16. A traveler arrives in a small town and decides he wants to get a haircut. There are only two barbershops in town - one on East Street and one on West Street. The East Street barbershop is a mess, and the barber has the worst haircut the traveler has ever seen. The West Street barbershop is neat and clean, its barber's hair looks as good as a movie star's.
    Which barbershop does the traveler go to for his haircut, and why?
  17. The west to get a good haircut.
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