Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Who is shark boy?

    Rina you cannot bribe me to ruffle your feathers nor to provide the correct answers.
  2. Shark boy and lava girl?

    No no no, my name means I ruffle YOUR feathers. Geez 
  3. Well your gift did not do as your name suggests...
  4. This Alpaca

  5. Just googled it Rina...yea.....I wouldn't have known that if my life depended on it.
  6.  so who plays shark boy?
  8. The Alpaca
  9. Taylor Laurtner :| Idk how ya spell it :roll:
  10.  that picture though...

    I dont care Taylor is still a hot ass mutha blah blah 

    what is mummy pig's son's name?
  11. Piglet?

    I don't get this one either....
  12.  peppa pig 
  13. Is this from charlotte's web or something
  14. :roll: I just said the show
  15. Harry :| I can't remember :cry:
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