Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. new riddleeeeeeee
  2. A dog walks into a bar.
  3. Helping the blind guy get a drink
  4. Btw the answer to my riddle was the other panda was stapled tto the first


    It also died
  5. Keep guessing til i say correct
    Otherwise you're wrong
  6. Waiting for next riddle
  7. It was a blonde dog?
  8. I dont know dogs don't generally walk into bars.
  9. When the hunt alien ends?
  10. rina i want a riddle
  11. A man walks into a bar wearing rainbow colours. His shoes are red, his pants are orange, his top is yellow, his jacket is green, his tie is blue, his watch is indigo, so what Colour is his skirt?
  12. The color you typed that in
  13. Morning all and he isnt wearing a skirt
  14. Mike doesn't know the rainbow. 

    this is a lame joke. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  15. Because she forgot to bring her egg from the other side
  16. He coulda been a cross dresser
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