Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. ? make up your own thing ? zamn
  2. Nope not green or red or orange

    if I say ily out in words will you finally stop asking me to say it?
  3. It means you finally love me back.

  4. *sigh* considering you don't love me but whatever, i love you

    Wronggggggg not black 
  5. Turn the size to 200 or post it on 3 other threads. 


    Thanks, Google.
  6. Yes purple 

    24 H in a D

    Ihy Justin
  7. That was incorrect.

    24hrs in a day.
  8. I lost my ily buttons 

    26 L of the A
  9. Do it, lah lah lah lah lah lah lah. 

    26 letters in the alphabet
  10. ? only if you and sorry stop with the ily
    7W of the W
  11. 7 days of the week

    You know you like me more.
  12. So you admit this is a contest 

    12 S of the Z
  13. 12 months in a year? :(

    May the best man win Rina, I guess. 
  14. Nope 

    :roll: finally you admit I'm right. Well you can both stick it cause neither will get a proper ily.
  15. You know you love me more, 99%, baby. 
  16.  n mike is on 99% too so 
  17.  no just ruining ya little contest.
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