Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Something ready I heard it a couple of times
  2. So it isn't a song
  3. Let me post one ok...

    What has 4 legs as it's young, 2 as it's an adult and 3 as it's old?
  4. Can you please post after mine is answered? Would be appreciated but okay..
  5. A human. 4 crawling, 2 walking, other is old with a walking frame
  6. Stick* not frame
  7. According to google : i'm ready
  8. who's red, sparkly shoes were stolen?
  9. Witch if the east
  10. Wicked witch*

    I have arm and legs but no skin. I have a mouth but no tongue. I have moving parts but I don't move. What am I?
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