Riddle Me This

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Sorry all late my phone died 
  2. Good job dj 

    I messed that riddle up  forgot the last clue. So not matt.
  3.  nah was Kate. But I messed it up sorry.

    what animal is tiny tim?

    P.S: if people can't read certain colours or can't accept rings for any odd reason (obsessive partners or just hate them in general) please wall me to lemme know 
  4. idk who tiny tim is so doesn't help ahahha :lol:
  5. How about a monkey
  6.  it's a song. Google it. Makes me laugh when I sing it (to myself of course)?

    lets see if anyone remembers who was here last night o_O what animal is painted on my nail? Hint: it was posted in a previous page
  7. Hint: it's black and white
  8. How does this have so many pages??
  9.  because I have so many questions.

    It eats bamboo.
  10. A man hijacks an aeroplane transporting both passengers(8 of them) and valuable cargo. After taking the cargo, the man demands nine parachutes, puts one of them on, and jumps, leaving the other eight behind. Why did he want eight?
  11. Cuz he hated the other passengers
  12. Oh wait I didnt read it right
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