
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Ricky805, Mar 9, 2022.

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  1. why do you keep silencing me for 30 days its not fair i only asked a serious question i had in pub chat i have no clue what a futa is and i got silenced for 30 days after 2 days off a 30 why are you secluding me from the rest why do you have it in for me?
  2. 🙃idk what that is either
  3. [​IMG]

    Upon further investigation, you should send ata a help ticket and appeal your silence. I don't think talking about taxes is against the Tou
  4. Sort of a borderline area of silencing. You can try to appeal the silence via help ticket and explain what you just did. Posting in forums will not get you any assistance. As for the silencing tiers it goes warning, 24 hours, one week, 30 days. The tier drops by one for each successful period of not being silenced thereafter for that period of time. (30 days silence drops to a week after 30 days of NOT being silenced. ) I can assure you they're not singling you out. I would recommend just googling those sort of questions from now on or ask in private chats/ channels 💀
  5. New mods are pretty stupid. That qn doesn't break ToU, so appeal with ATA about it
  6. You should raise a help ticket to appeal your silence if you think it's invalid.

    Also, if you're getting repeatedly silenced, you should look into ToU once again. Back to back 30 day silences don't really scream innocent. 😴
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  8. my via help button isnt working thats why i posted here
  9. petty everytime i get silenced last time i asked for Instagram account...30 you tellme if im in ocent or are they being petty
  10. that one feels like a valid silence lol
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  11. Asking for 3rd party apps is DEFINITELY silenceable. Ive never experienced someone's help button not working, but posting in forums won't help at all.
  12. 1st offense = 1 day silence
    2nd offense within 30 days of thr last 1 ending = 7 day silence
    3rd offense within 30 days of the last 1 ending = 30 day silence
    4th offense within 30 days of the last 1 ending = 30 day silence
    5th offense within 30 days of the last 1 ending = 30 day silence
    6th offense within 30 days of the last 1 ending = perm silence

    For every 30 days you go without breaking tou you go down 1 tier
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  13. [​IMG]
    Feel free to check out the silencing guidelines here, and yes asking for third party information is definitely against the rules also.
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