I hope the devs will consider your suggestions/proposals. I really don't like the luck involved hunts.
If still like to know how you figure this? I consider myself a gamer and I think this idea is atrocious. And the avatars would only really appeal to furries.
Uh no it wouldn't only appeal to "furries". It's a good idea and when I say true gamers I mean TRUE GAMERS. People who grew up playing it and would appreciate the creativity behind the idea.
Okay then I guess I'm a TRUE GAMER because I grew up playing sonic and games like this, still think the hunt idea is garbage and the avatars would only appeal to furries.
i'd find the idea more creative if op created the items/avatars himself and not rip off nintendo/SEGA, not that i mind the items or avatars though. that being said i still think it's a pretty cool idea for a hunt.
We all have opinions. The fact that players say it is a good idea and would love to do this hunt is all that matters. Look at it this way, if this hunt was to be official, players would still do it, just like the players who don't support jocktoberfest is still doing it. Its the nature of the beast
You wanna know something Alpha, how bout this since you want to be a smart Alec, I put my heart and soul into this idea and it only took me 3 hours, not one day, not 2 days not even 3 days, 3 hours to make this idea. I made it as detailed as possible which is pretty much something not a lot of players feel like doing. Sure I have a few errors here or there, but the fact of the matter is, I got more support than the letters in your comment can count. People complaining about, "I don't want a furry Avatar" well guess what? Well nobody cares about what you want and what you don't want. What everybody cares about is the fact that they want a fun hunt that both party players and pvpers can experience. Its not always about Avatars. So for any of you who are reading this and is hating on this Event Idea which I really love cause that just makes the players who support this support it even more, if you can cone up with an idea that is so much better than mine, then by all means, please do it. But remember, I didn't make this idea as a competition against other players who makes ideas. Believe it or not, I support Sunny's idea because it brings in a different culture. Not so much of a fan of religion but the fact he said it is like Christmas to them is what caught my interest. Sunny if you're reading this, I support your idea. But ad for everyone else, if you think you can do so much better, then do it. Otherwise, sit down and shut up and this goes for you Alpha. But of course the ppl who doesn't like this idea is gonna say no I won't waste my time making a thread better than yours. Well that means you should sit down then. Nobody cares about what you want and what you don't want, we, as in the players who wants this Idea to happen, cares and we will stick by it til it becomes an actual hunt. So basically saying and I'll say it once again, Alpha and the rest of you haters, Shut Up and Sit Down.
you finally call alpha out like 4 days later even though you've been bumping your thread this whole time, did you just see it or did it take you four days to come up with something to say? either way op you made me laugh, thank u. :lol: