Can you do a story about a war between Angels and Demons over the human realm? I'd like my character to be an Angel, called Tyrael - the archangel of justice - He has a long white tabard with a hood. He carries a large sword that can penetrate anything. He leads the armies of the High Heavens against the armies Hell.
Hunger games ..... My character....... Name: Liara Hernadez Age: 14 Looks: I'll post a picture if needed Personality: kind and considate, but will kill anyone who gets in her way if she must. She wants the victor's crown. Other: soon becomes a "problem" for Ari. From D4 Abilities: fighting And weapon creation Name: Ari Rodriguez Age: 14 Looks: I'll post a picture if needed Personality: kind, considerate, modest, arrogant, incredioutus, and has everything about him that could be a weakness in the arena. Other: Soon becomes a "problem" for Liara Hernandez in the arena. From d4 Abilities: Fighting and hand to hand combat Only one can survive....who will it be ? Also if you must to make it interesting you can make other tributes and characters to be in it...