Discussion in 'Wars' started by pearl--genuine, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. 
    Thanks puppy, you tell'em! creativity and originality is the key to success!!!

    I think I stole that line off someone's graduation speech. Uh oh. 

    Bunny yeah gurl, you can fly solo because you're awesome
  2. Its original in PIMD so its ok. Just make sure the person never plays this game xD.
  3. Wth! This is still going on?!
  4. Pearl your thread rock I don't have your style
  5. Rocks * omg never post on a thread when ur half asleep
  6. can someone help me make Rent-A-Zed plz?
  7. I refuse to make the pimd man my avi loves a rent a zed thread is why you broke my heart
  8. repeat that please it made no sense
  9. My pimd heart is in love with you zed no I will not make you a rent a zed thread
  10. fine. ill have someone else make it

    and you only rented me for a single day
  11. I gotta stop commenting until I'm fully awake but yes zed I would date you if I wasn't married
  12. ^ everybody ignore that
  13. you only got me for a day... be happy... most people will NEVER get me
  14. I've said to much I'm going back to bedto sob