Discussion in 'Wars' started by pearl--genuine, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. 
  2. ur just jelly
  3. I dont need a date
  4. Not of you
  5. Take your bail polish Bamf!
  6. NailTypos
  7. im a guy i dont wear that crap
  8. Domi don't make me choose please baby
  9. Nooooo D:< I can't zed don't u want two girls I mean come on dude
  10. true dat
  11. And like 71 cats I love u both I can't I won't choose
  12. Find another girl then I'm going solo
  13. poptarts
  14. Domi no 
  15. Don't go please don't go
  16. No you have Zed so it doesn't matter
  17. But I want both of u it does matter 