Discussion in 'Wars' started by pearl--genuine, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. plannin on gettin 6 clubs to farm me, even after all iv done for her
  2. every single fight she got in, i was the only one to back her up and take the heat. the moment she decides im useless, she turns on me
  3. Well now that's not cool at all
  4. I love you zedI love you as well domi so yeah I have two lovers
  5. Y'all still on this thread
  6. I Think Your Twisting The Story There But Im Not Gonna Protect -Gaia- Js
  7. panda, you troll me all the time, so shut up
  8. Two lovers? One or the other
  9. obviously me
  10. Ill bring my 17 cats then
  11. Bamf shush I don't see you having a date!
  12. im so loved 
  13. You aren't though