Discussion in 'Wars' started by pearl--genuine, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. You're meant to be my loyal puppy!!! Mark the land as mine at least!!!
  2. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. Except your chocolate, keep it all!!!
  3. Nice thread!
    I shall make my own thread finding a husband too !!!
    A husband that older than me n higher kcs then me 

    Good luck Pearl!
  4. Pearl good luck on finding one
  5. Sorry puppy! I should search up what foods are edible for puppieswouldn't want to kill you!

    Fei haha thanks for the good luck! Right back atcha, girl make sure he's good looking too!

    KrisI miss youuuu!!! Maybe I should have a new thread asking for boytoys instead of husbands. most guys don't like commitment anyway! thanks for the inspiration
  6. I'm an advanced puppy. I can eat anything except for chocolate. Feed me Reese's peanut butter cups >:0
  7.  maybe a man toy
  8. Puppy. That's too chocalatey for you! Why don't I just feed you peanut butter?

    Boo harmy! Come help party HAHA

    Kris... Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight~ nah I'm good, men are too mature to handle my insanity. I'm too fun and wild
  9. That works too. Peanut butter ice cream for me!!! ^_^
  10.  find me a pimd wifey to rent to then
  11. can u wall invite me please
  12. Can pearl be my wifey???
  13. kris, are you applying?

    Bunny, I want you as dessert
  14. Sure E.T! I'll get teagan to work on the wallart
  15. 
    I leaked an ocean again
  16. BUNNY!!! Alice will kill me for making you... Um...

    YES I LEARNT ABOUT THAT OCEAN IN BUNNY'S GEOGRAPHY CLASS come ocean you're hilarious.
  17. Alice and I aren't friends anymore.
    /).(\ It's already on maps? Oh noes
  18. Aww bunny, you're my cutest girlfriend meowwww~

    Yes it's on maps guess where the source/mouth of the river is?
  19. 
    You made me make another ocean
    And where is it??? Pearl River??