NEW FEATURE Renaming: Do It Yourself!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 29, 2019.

  1. Wannabe mod. Lol
  3. Ffs. I just tried and then wolah. You're welcome.
  5. The community doesn’t need devs or mods it needs Jesus
  6. Lol. It's literally the exact same thing but instead of having a human manually do the work, we've made it so the game can do it. Players skip the step of having to write in and wait for a response. It's called technology and progress ;) #getlearnt
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. You sound quite bitter.
  8. I have a question, how long does the user have to be inactive for the name to be freed? Also, what will those inactives’ names be? (Not planning on changing my username, just curious.)
  9. 6 months of zero account activity, and the username gets changed to something along the lines of "usernameRENAMED" or a series of numbers will be added on to the end. The renamed account will also receive a free name change token for if they ever log back in.
  10. This is dumb. The name I want is owned by a non active second account person who just wanted to hog the name. Incredible. Smh.
  11. Just commenting on this to say that I love that JohnWick was the example because John Wick is awesome.
  12. Ur awesome.
  13. How do you know they just wanted to hog the name?
  14. People are going crazy over this as if it’s a new feature but you could do this all along just with ata help :lol:
  15. You still sound like a wannabe mod
  16. if they’re inactive, you should be able to get the name ?
  17. Yeah, I read the thread. Clearly you never read my initial message before this quote :)
    Too busy counting the transactions? Either that or doing what you devs do best which is ignoring g community
  18. They made a way to lessen their workload for something that could be done by users instead, how is that bad? #imNotWithHer
    Muschi likes this.
  19. Because they just distance themselves further from the community once again. It's salty, yeah but it's getting irritating how devs continuously ignore and distance themselves