NEW FEATURE Renaming: Do It Yourself!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 29, 2019.

  1. What happens to inactive users' usernames after you take them away from them? Will their profile be deleted? Or their username changes to something else?
  2. Ex: if their username is ‘apple’ it would then be changed to ‘appleRENAMED’ otherwise the account remains the same
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Nooo causes there's no profit for anybody.
  4. Inb4 nubs continue writing in
  5. Noice. Do not try to get my ign. ?

  6. Tempting.
  7. Doesn't work for me.. rip
  8. Check out me and my rs names Lol
  9. ? Someone be Suspect or Murderer and rs me k 
  10. I wonder if this will get locked if we derail it
  12. Am I the only one that peeped the 351Q tho?
  13. It’s possible
  14. IDTS...
  15. F
  16. So less job for you guys, while you check the numbers of all the microtransactions people do from the Alexa subscriptions, Vip Lounge and normal ec purchases... Nicely done. Cookie??
  17. oh this is nice
  18. So you basically still can't get the name but because ATA was too lazy to check things themselves, they made a code and made this seem like it's better?
  19. Getting tired of how the devs distance themselves further and further from their own community. Even the majority of mods these days are the same. Sad.
    Gir likes this.