NEW FEATURE Renaming: Do It Yourself!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 29, 2019.

  1. O mai.... Now I no no one's names. ?
  2. I’m sure they’ll love it
  3. I hate it
  4. You know the devs might make u change ur name... lol that’s what they do to some ppl...
  5. Same
  6. Somebody claim Batman
  7. You could have just done PlMD
  8. Someone be SheHulk and rs me idc if SheHulk’s my cousin we’re both from alabama
  9. Ummmm....
  11. smh leaving me on read?
  12. What in tarnation
  13. Wow but I'm okay with my name tho lol
  14. anyone reading this thread please don’t be ^ this idiotic and misuse this decent update, don’t get it taken away before i even get to use it, thx
    Muschi likes this.
  15. ??
  16. Sksksksksksk
  17. Honestly I tried to type that. It automatically changed it to this
  18. So is there a way of seeing how long an account has been inactive before you see if that IGN is available??
  19. What I do is look at their showcase and determine it from there :(
  20. Showcase.. awards.. see their walls and most recent gifts.. you can figure it out like that.
    Muschi likes this.