Funny. I somehow think they did this because of players like myself who have asked several times. Last time I asked was last week, so I decided to try it again and voila. I am THE SimonedeBeauvoir. ♀️
They cut down their work load by implementing something useful. Smart. Not lazy. Yall would be complaining about how long it takes for them to get back to your ticket anyways so...
What about players who went inactive for years and wanted to relogin again using their account will they be kicked out because someone else claimed their ign.
Marce!! God I love ya This is new to some people but you needed to remind them that this has been here all along ?
Please be sure to read through the replies before asking a question to ensure it hasn't already been answered...:
You took the IGN for the automated official PIMD account? ? The one that informs players of their silences? I... don't see ATA being too pleased with that loophole.
I'd be surprised if she doesn't get something worse. This could be considered impersonating a developer.