Remember The Good Old Days in PimD?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Karina-The-One-And-Only, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Maton Of coarse it is
  2. My dream, to have an alphabet of minions....

    1 step closer to completing it. :lol:

  3.  Now you need A, B ,C .........
  4. 0.o
    You've become Maton's henchmen!
  5. :evil: Yes I have muajajajajaja-evil laugh
  6. A reminder:

    Did not force anybody to do it.
    They change their name's willingly.

  7.  Not ma...not ma...maton...not...


    Dramatics done. Freaky deaky names.
  8. They just love Maton for no reason at all...Matonnation :eek:
  9. Has a nice ring to it.
    Haha, also have no idea why they'd love me.

  10. Post 69. :geek:
    Because they find epicosity in you, duh.
  11. Aw my club was Prestige Worldwide. I actually created it. When clubs were only worth 4 mil. ):
  12. I remember when clubs were like 7k :eek:
    Also, GRAMMAR NAZI. **course, Rex.
  13. Hi Rexy
    Hi Chance
    Heyyyy Qinny
  14. Rofl. I remember the short ammount of time in forums when the trolls had to resort to cannibalism and eat all the self-esteem the noobs had.


    I also remember defending Aziza2 from those pathetic haters. 

    NO WORRY AZIZA2! Your close friend is here!
  15. *amount

    My fingers. :0 THEY'RE MELTING.
  16. Pear 
  17. Qinny<3 I miss you on pal
  18. Pear
  19. I'm still there, unfortunately 