I remember when ever Azi , not you Azi2 the other one. He kept making good bye threads I called him an attention ______. next minuet he make a forum of people who hate him and Rex(me) is smack dab The first name
So many memories When the threads by DaMaster and sexy_beast were still around Yes. I was really that old But but but I reset Early Jan?? *cant remember*
Iv been here since last January. I remember how awesome it was learning the ropes, being part of my first club. Working ur way to the top on skill and merit, not by buying gifts and knowing folk. It's not the same anymore
I remember when there was a club called Antarctic Maybe im lying but it was something like that lol. I also remember when the top 3 Were Bosen, Sessha, and Cenza. The days before PMs and Friends was good, walling back and forth Alot has changed since January of last year