Relationships 101

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Feel free to ask me
  2. Right i was just unsure if lets say i used 6 15ec regen packs to regen both me and raven. If that would countas her 6 notes or if she was allowed to use 6 herself. Im just hoping they give a clear explanation.
  3. I thought it was person accepting
  4. My guess is its 6 between us so really its better to dn separately in war if my guess is right.
  5. Someone Did Not Notice That The Bonus From Relationship Added To The Tutor Bonus? Is It A Bug Or Not?
  6. Shhhhh don't tell them that I like my tb now
  7. I'm trying to bang whoever I take on a date
  8. why I dont have name color?
  9. 79ec is wayyy to much wtf! 
  10. Confirmed that there is a display issue.
    Currently, under Bonus from Tutors, it is actually showing a total that is Bonus from Relationship (BFR) PLUS Bonus from Tutors (BFT).
    This does not stack with Bonus From Relationship section, and we'll be getting it fixed to display the correct Bonus from Tutors number soon.
  11. @Pimd when can I date you? I'm desperate
  12. Can I ask out everyone? even you pimd? Will u be mines
  13. I just realized I copied pie...awks
  14. Don't you Think 200 Billion for "Puppy Love" is a little over priced?
  15. :cry: @pimd leave my tb alone
  16.  What Victoria said  If it costs 200B for a Puppy Love, then at least give it some stats bonus?