Relationships 101

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Change the name and I'll be happy 
  2. Can you remove the updates on campus, nobody cares who's dating who. Lol. Plus they get in the way. :(
  3. What if you want to date someone who's perm silenced can you communicate with them?
  4. Is it true it cost like 79ec to date someone else?
  5. Remove the 79 EC crap
  6. Yes there are, they act just like regular gifts. :)
  7. Can I be in a relationship with you PIMD?
  8. The price is there to enforce the idea that relationships are not to be entered into lightly.

    This will also reduce the overall relationship update spam in campus and club chat.
  9. Omg they replied to me
  10. Is there going to be updates with these dates. Like other dates later on? Like holiday dates?
  11. I hate this because I didn't see anywhere where it said that 79ec was to be used after another date so now I'm not saying I'm not happy with who I'm with but what I'm getting at is now I'm screwed because I'm stuck with the person I'm with now? I do not see how that is fair.
  12. How do you get the pink name
  13. Whole 79 EC thing is to make cash probably
  14. What is the max cap on each of the gifts?

  16. 79 ec.... I guess ill never be able to use the relationship button no more...
  17. 79 ec just to ask them out wow
  18. Sucks for all the knew rp people 
  19. @Pimd, you state that there is a cap on the relationship gifts. What is the cap for each gift and do the stats on the gifts stack? Thank you :)