Relationships 101

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Can u ask and accept date during wars?!
  2. Will DN and hunt items be giftable to your partner?
  3. Next question will you be accepting my request anytime soon or is it just gonna sit there
  4. Do the new gifts with stats have a Max number u can own? If so how many is that for each item?
  5. Why pimd why... I wish I never picked up this game... or at least waited until now to start then I never would have got addicted in the first place
  6. This has got to be a joke
  7. Made my tb go up like 20mcs and relationship another 20. Ofc ppl going to use it
  8. If u can't answer then just reply that plz
  9. Can someone please date me
  10. Pimd why are our bonuses equal? If we're dating the stat bonus should be the partner has 30mcs bonus...I have 10 :|
  11. Well I guess I'm gonna be single in both here and RL 
  12. Anyone who has Xbox in there name I should date...
  13. It gives you 10% of your partner's stats.
    This encourages both partners to grow together to help one another out.
  14. Pimd, so is there a time limit on relationships or can it be the same person as long as you and that person don't break up??
  15. Anybody with 100kcs want to date me for fun???? Message me girls/boys
  16. How many ice cream cones can we have? 
  17. Does PimD support gay relationhips?