Relationships 101

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Yes rose 
  2. True dat. This is like a business venture.
  3. Someone actually ASKED for this crap????? Dear god PIMD players on KAW willed be justifiably trolled to hell now. Yeah, we aren't just here to get some are we, it's a serious game honest
  4. It's a serious question Matt, if I send one to pimd, will she accept me¿♡
  5. Lol idk 
  6. Can you be more specific about what stats are affected? Cuz a friend is saying his tb shot up plus the relationship bonus
  7. Yeah, how are these stats going up? All? Profile? Raw? Etc
  8. Yall are buggin with this feature n 79 ecs for a new relationship? Bye
  9. If you are in a relationship, is the name always going to be in pink? It should stay the same.
  10. Y are the dates so high and the gifts???
  11. That depressing moment when the person you want to date is asleep.?♡
  12. This game is turning more and more into a social network. So sad...
  13. Question : After you use a date feature...Are you able to use it again??? Or once you use all of your date features..Will we have to pay the ec..To reuse all those features again?
  14. Can you not have wc spammed with breakups and makeups no one can advertise for their clubs... plus idk half the people who are dating next thing you know there will be a rc for relationship chat and fc for family chat... ._.
  15. i dont understand anything :cry:
  16. Dates are reusable, you can have one active at a time.
    The strategy comes from choosing which benefit to have active and when.
  17. Can someone ask out other players if they are blocked
  18. any bc sugardaddys available I'm taking applications 
  19. No. Blocking stops people from sending out requests, to prevent them from spamming you with requests.