PIMD, I think its absolutely crazy and pointless to charge 79 ecs per relationship if you think I like this....you dont know me
Stop with the stupid announcement that comes up when logging on. We get it. We know there is a new way to get ppl to send ata money.
Kevin, they don't give a damn if you like the charge or not. Players who pay a lot of money don't like the feature at all and they've lost a moderator over this yet they do nothing so they're sure as hell not gonna listen to you
This relationship feature is the worst idea ATA has implemented so far. I hope it catches a STD and never recovers.
ATA way to show how big of a dick you really are. You've pissed off lots of people so congrats hopefully this game goes so far downhill you have to rethink your stupidity. I really enjoyed this game. It was a fun past time, but now because of you the only people I see on are complete idiots. You have the whole word role play starred. Why? Because you want it stopped? Sorry to tell you that's what you've now made pimd out to fully be. ๎ This game is supposed to be 17+. Why the hell do you think people above 17 would play this?
what do u get from changing your name color just to spend ecs on? isnt that pure money making for you?