relationship bonuses

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NeggySensei, May 18, 2015.

  1. Yay  So people will think twice before breaking up 
  2. Suportado ka ni asyong!
  4. Support
  5. SUPPORT! ?
    I'm with my partner for 6 months now.

    But I think ATA won't like it since sticking together means saving 79 ecs :p LOL
  7. Wow nmn ang comment mo 
  8. I 120% support this idea
  9. Support ️
  10. support
  11. Don't give em ideas to get more money from us Bieber. :/
  12. People will always break up la, its a suggestion for those people who are satisfied with their rs. Most of these rs aren't for really anway. Its always about the stat
  13. Support neggy..
  14. An award/achievement that provides a greater stat bonus at larger relationship lengths would be good?Support
  15. That's good ?