Because my boyfriend is a bootyhole who literally only thinks of himself and will just yell for hours unless I apologize and tell him he’s right. (He’s a bit of an egotistical jack-off)
Wew totally different explanation dump him. How can you look down on him like that and still stay with him. It'd be better for both of you to stop it
He probably needs you more than he will ever let you know. When you are NOT fighting, tell him that this bothers you, and that you are willing to meet him in the middle by working on the things you have to, and that he should work on the things that he has to, if he wants the relationship to continue. Do not turn it into another argument. If he tries to place the blame back on you, or change the subject, help him focus by saying “I’m willing to work on MY part, I simply want to know if are you willing to work on yours? If it goes nowhere or he can find nothing to work on... let him think he’s right, even maybe apologize, give it 24 hours, then leave. Even if it works... Do not tell him that this is his final warning. If he does it again WITHOUT sincerely apologizing unprovoked... give it 24 hours, then leave. Do NOT return. Every great man has an even greater woman by his side. Make him earn your loyalty.