Registration for War of the continents

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLustyMonk2, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. Yes
  2. I can only put in you
  3. When will our team managers contact us?
  4. Besides Asia 5mcs+, there's no team manager for other sides yet
  5. Changed my name, used to be jealousy, I had signed up for North America side
  6. Noted
  7. I don't think i registered so I'm in
  8. Well please register
  9. Kinda originally african but dun wanna represent these mericans >.>... So I'll stick to europe where I'm at 
  10. Don't start that crap on this thread please
  11. Hmm Do u choose the continent or we do?? North America team if so 11mcs
  12. There are forms in the first post, tap on your continent and it will appear. TaDa! Magic!
  13. Well thank you. #Nooblife
  14. Starts a continent war
    Forgets Africa
  15. ?There are 7 continents on the Earth and I am going to name them. AFRICA Antartica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. :( ?
  16. calm down
  17. Just something to look out for, even though people signed up doesn't mean they are going to be active whenever this war happens.
  18. I thought America was only one continent, actually, :?.