Regarding Relationship Feedback

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Yep but I'm not crying over it. All smiles here?
  2. I don't see any point in renaming this feature. Something which is going against vast majority of players (aka customers) should be binned. I don't like any of the features. It is a slap into the face of anyone who works hard for his/her stats.

    Just write of the Dev time. It's something gone horribly wrong and pure sunk cost.
  3. Let's face it, this was a bad idea from the moment in popped into whichever developers head. Name change ain't gonna do squat. Regardless of what you name it. It'll still forever be known as the RP button. The rpers will use it for rp others will use it because as it has been pointed out numerous times already, without doing so all the hard work people have put in trying to get their stats up gets counted for nothing, because another person who hasn't done anything to warrant a high position gets it simply from having having someone with high stats as their "partner".
    Ata is basically telling us do it or your hard work counts for squat!
  4. It would be great if they renamed the thing with "BFF" or "Bruh/Sista"

    Cause I really don't want to fake a relationship with someone random on a game, it's just too weird. I have a life, a real one, and I don't need a game to feel loved 

    Even if the relationship is faked for stats, it doesn't sound right I'm sorry.
  5. This idea was bad from the start and unfair for many reasons. Players who work hard for stats & players who can't be in a relationship for dif reasons.

    I dislike how we were shown the new pimd_admin and she/he gave us this idea. Many players spoke against it & gave our reasons of why it shouldn't be done. I mean the idea came from an app that isn't around no more.

    Dev's then make this thread to also remind us of the rules. Yet this relationship button is a new way for more inappropriate behaviour. Players know we have underage ppl on here as I am sure Ata does aswell but it is as if they don't care about that. The new features have change what pimd is & what ppl thinks it is for.

    I get they want to help players have free kcs or what not for pvp & wars but they can find many other ways to give this and be fair about it.

    I would of liked to seen new features on things players have been asking for years now. Forums is filled with great ideas from real players who want changes to make this game better. It is as if none of the ideas are good enough for Ata unless somehow they can make money off it.

    Ata needs to do something soon & try to work on new features and changes players really want done. As I see it if things keep going in this direction pimd will soon be gone simply put.
  6. I just use it for stat bonus. I don't even consider it a "relationship" more like fwbs
  7. In the previous introduction thread,
    they described the relationship button as SOMETHING BIG ....
    ohhhh IT IS BIG alright ..

    Again and again .. That's the only consistency they've ever shown
  8. I doubt they would change it.

    I for one liked the relationship button… some games has 'special someone' and stuff. Honestly months ago i wished pimd could make same thing only to go inactive and return just recently to know they have it.

    I was happy and still happy with the feature but then since it causes unfairness in the gameplay…

    guess pimd could just remove the stats bonus from it but leave the gifts,ec sharing , advance it with avatar sharing, green cash sharing and many others that could spice up the button.

    Pimd isn't a dating site but yet even when there was no rs feature… there has always been wedding wars, players has always dated virtually (most)… its weird but thats how the game has been 2 years ago.
  9. I liked the idea of the stats bonuses, the one where you got some every couple of months. Bow's idea, I don't know how to explain it but i think that would stop all the anger about it. :?
    I'd also stop all the break ups.
  10. I hate that you have to use 72 ecs to date again its so stupid
  11. Support just take away the stat bonus. I like the dates and how you share a TB.
  12. 1)Change the Relationship name
    2)Make it less op or make the stats into one that focuses on time duration
    3)The 79ec just dose not work what so ever
    4)Fix the "Dates"
    5) Just have fun with the idea try to consult the community before doing anything major

    Do we all agree? If not make your own list
  13. I sort of agree with you Quick.
    The thing is they never consult us, therefor they will never consult your list
  14. Its worth a shot?I mean they want feedback right? Not trying to be so ruthless
  15. They did consult us, we told them we didn't like the idea, loudly, and they spent the money we give them developing it anyway instead of developing the features we DID ask for. We only ever get responses like this, even when the vast majority of feedback on something is negative, we get "We hear you...we'll maybe do something about it at some point"

    What is a game without it's players?
  16. Its more of a social app then a game app now. Not sure why they would go that route when its the game part that makes them the cash
  17. What about the 79ec to be in another "relationship"?
  18. U dont have to pay 79 ec just find someone who still has their free one