These threads feel more like ur tell everyone to pipe down and behave. It's condescending in a way that's masked with polite tone and "we hear you"s. People will be respectful when they feel they are receiving respect. Seeing as how many feel disrespected, by new features and this new attitude of atas, I'm sure the behavior ur not happy about will continue until u not only listen but actually hear what ppl have to say and do something about it.
This honestly seems like a failing company trying to make every last dollar they can before either selling out or closing the doors. Be wary before you spend a penny here
Lmao... nice devs, make a feature that promotes the type of action you then condemn as against TOU and then tell us "you hear our concerns.. sorry, all I hear is "smile and wave boys, smile and wave".
Whats the point of it? Ppl who join beta wars could end on opponent of each other in wars which backfires for both making it useless. Parties they dont need stat boost. And its cheaper to buy dns then the ec cuz of the bonus notes in each package deal. The feature itself besides the relationship boost is 80% useless besides the gifting ec and minor things. All it does it complicate the game with a lame name. All these strategies u claim it brings are utterly useless when your going against your partner.
I was having a 'friendly race' to VIP with someone but since relationship got implemented, i got knocked out pretty badly. Not just me but i know a lot who had same problems as i'm having. Was recently in a war and can be easily pinned with stats lower than mine bcoz they were 'dating' an lcbc. PIMD, what has happened to u?
Nice little blow off response ata. Most get it, you dont care about the majority. You ignore the masses and then put out these little threads to make it seem as tho you listen. When the fact is you have already made it blatently clear you are slowly evolving this in to a dating app. One that encourages perv. Stop treating the majority of the community as tho we have no intellegence. Because of your failure to listen and actually take into account the feedback you have received we have lost many great players, as well as a much respected mod. You are effectively destroying a once much loved app.
Here is your biggest problem with this new relationship button some of us like me have a relationship outside pimd and will not join in a relationship on here due to that would be considered cheating on my or not its with that being said even if I bc again I will not be able to war in anyway as I won't be strong enough to hit people my size cuz they are in a relationship..... That being said I really don't care what improvements u plan on making it has completely fucked up this game for me and others in my position....... Say all you want pimd you have completely screwed half the game and is no longer any fun.......and u have slapped your mods in the face with this and made their job impossible ......that is all for the screwed up pimd that I have made it
What Peyton said above is absolutely true. You don't respect your players at all and you hide behind a wall of silence when asked why... Why are you changing the course of this game so drastically? Someone mentioned brand-image too, either earlier or in another thread. Your brand image is irreparably damaged by your own actions. This game is more rp than game. Not more than 30 minutes ago someone in wc asked to be gang-fucked by 5 guys at the same time. That's your brand-image!
This game has turned to crap. Always the same nonsense. Always the same stupid hunts, same parties, same stupid ass avatars. You could change the name of the feature but you don't want to. Instead you want to have page after page of complaints. Silencing/banning us to prevent any of our opinions heard. You are ruining your own game and you don't even care.
new strategy? Date the largest player you can, thats the strategy. thats a no-brainer. Ohhh we can team up and form tighter bonds... thats what club loyalty was for. heres some suggestions to fix this since we know you wont remove it: change its name. And instead of dates, lets have study sessions or anything else. Remove the partner bonus, or decrease it... a lot. It has ruined the vip list. Some of us use the vip list to gage our progress. Lower prices of ec items, because lets face it; all those useless tiny stat items dont really help as much as a few good tuts. Not to mention the fact that stat boosts are pointless for the party crowd. Ive got more ideas but its late and youve frustrated me with your non-response to our overwhelmingly negative feedback. Power to the players. Dont use your ecs on this feature.
I can see why these changes happened... It's not very surprising... But you do need to make some tweaks to it and not go overboard
Wow, a response. You intended this feature to enhance PvP gameplay? I don't know if you noticed but the overwhelming majority of people raising grievances against this joke of an "improvement to enhance PvP gameplay" are players who prefer PvP! This new feature handcuffs PvP gameplay. Use it or else. No one is choosing to use it. Were forced to use it. There's a difference. Don't add insult to injury by insulting our intelligence. Get rid of it. WE play the game! Obviously we hate it. Find a different way to leach money. You should of shined us on by increasing PvP payout for using this joke but no, you just decided to implement this as another avenue to sap money.
No support. Even though I'm new here it feels like this WAS a great game with awesome players until changes happen, which a lot of people were disappointed. We know ATA that you're doing your 'best' to keep this game alive and fun but it seems like you're failing with all these new features you're giving out. If you really do hear our arguments and consider it then maybe great players won't leave, my kcs can't hit an mcs, and there won't be anymore rs seekers and fake relationship. (maybe) This is my first voice out and probably my last, for I am just a silent protester Remember what the players say: What is a game without its players?