Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Even though you recommend lol, they will just co tinue to disappoint us.
    Psycho and -Godiva- like this.
  2. Okay simply, people collect avatars but you can only use one at once..and at most,at the end of the day, peopls end up using a few avatars only so all others they have, aren't noticed at all. Just like there is "gifts","stats" section, I want another section on the account that will be named as "avatars" or something similar. And there, all avatar u have won't be shown(because u get some random avatars u don't like) in that segment we should have an option to add avatars we like among the ones we own..its like a sticker collection..we would click the add button and select the avatars from our inventory..which we would like to show on showcase. It's a very important suggestion because I do believe the avi collector is a very normal phenomenon in the game..and we should be able to see multiple avatars on an account, which also gives mental satisfaction to the players as they can view their avatar collection on their account..just like they view their stats, and then again,the avatar collection they themselves made.Afterall all avatars wont be there, ones that we ourselves will choose to add and keep as a member of our showcase!! And if anybody wants they can chose to keep the whole section vacant too..without any avatars
    Amila99 likes this.
  3. I know it has been suggested countless times before, but PLEASE allow players to pick the avatar of their choice.

    There are 2 gendered avatars in the boxes that are given out as a “reward”; so it should be a choice made by the player. If not, you’re just giving out “rewards” that are of NO benefit to them, making it an unusable and worthlessreward for many players.

    In the end, did they REALLY win anything, ATA? Don’t you think that’s just a tab bit, too much unfair and needs to be updated? 👀 js
    Sayuriii, Psycho and Amila99 like this.

  4. Sad but true
  5. I suggest for us to be able to scroll through our wall posts like all of it along with maybe a way to pin posts on our wall.
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  6. Hmm I’m not sure on this one, but maybe instead we can “showcase” one avatar and attach it to each new dorm we get (since we now have multiple dorms to unlock).
  7. I don't know but i would like something like this but it would be nice if you guys do this once or twice in a while make if they dobt want this fulltime but it would be nice if all the hunt box and bbb avis that we get we were able to trade or gift folks em, I know they specifically come out with certain avis to trade or gift with but it would be nice if avi box avis or hunt box avis and bbb avis could've been tradeable or be able to gift someone
    I would like something like this but it would be nice if they do this once or twice in a while if not make it a fulltime thing, make all the hunt box and bbb avis that we get able to trade or gift em to folks, I know they specifically come out with certain avis to trade or gift but it would be nice if avi box avis or hunt box avis and bbb avis could've been tradeable or be able to gift someone, give us the opportunity to gift or trade the bbb avis or hunt box avis that we have to other folks or friends on here, that would be cool 🫶🏼
    1Flash likes this.
  8. Idk why my message it glitchy, I got boot out the forum and i thought I lost it and now I'm seeing two of it
  9. please bear with me 🐻 🫶🏼 if my message doesn't make sense then lemme copy and paste

    it would be nice if you guys do this once or twice in a while if not have it fulltime, but it would be nice if it was there fulltime, make all the hunt box and bbb avis that we get be able to trade or gift em to folks, I know they specifically come out with certain avis to trade or gift with but it would be nice if avi box avis or hunt box avis and bbb avis that we get could've been tradeable or be able to gift someone and give us the opportunity to gift or trade bbb avis or hunt box avis that we have to other folks or friends on here, that would be cool
    1Flash likes this.
  10. The same way we can trade or gift stats or furniture that we've collect I just wish we could've trade or gift avis (maybe not the super rare ones if they don't like this idea lol)
    1Flash likes this.
  11. It would've been nice if in the monthly timer boxes there was a decor box with that month's furniture or if not then if they made the monthly timer boxes to look like the hunt timer boxes but with the monthly furniture( I think the second one will be more confusing also with the monthly spinner items and the monthly coins in em) but it would be nice if the monthly timer boxes included the monthly furniture in them and there was a way to also not just get monthly coins or spinner items or the monthly avis but the monthly furniture as well

  12. that or just add the monthly furniture alongside the spinner items and monthly avis and coins
    1Flash likes this.
  13. I mean well 🫶🏼 I'm sorry for all the forum spam I'm new to this and dunno the mechanics as well and learning as I go and it's a bit wonky lol
  14. I now saw this, bummer it would of been nice if it was possible 😔
  15. Using timer boxes is annoying because of how many things you need to press, it should take way less time. Makes the game feel ancient, same with opening any other box. A skip button is not fast enough
    Sayuriii and Psycho like this.
  16. i agree, you should be able to open multiple boxes at one time. even if the limit is 10 boxes at a time, that's still a big improvement over only being able to open one box at a time. i commented this on another thread and someone said the app wouldn't be able to handle that and would glitch, and i'm really confused about that because people spend thousands on pimd so why can't ata afford to update/modernize their app?
  17. A 10 KCS minimum to send a message in all public chats. This would remove the bots and scams, and create a healthier environment.
    iSeriouslyLoveYou and Lime like this.
  18. A few suggestions that have probably been mentioned before

    - the ability to search avatars. I have 550 at this time and it’s difficult to find the one I’m looking for when it’s older.

    -Pinned favorite avatars. Also would make it easier to quickly find your favorite avatars.

    -Pinned wall posts. I have posts from YEARS ago buried I wish I could have on the top of my wall.

    -Multiple types of starred or “favorited” in the showcase. Maybe allow different color starred items, and have multiple pages for each different color. I’m a seller and also a collector, with many different collections in my showcase. It’s sad I can’t really show them off and sell items at the same time. This would probably be my biggest suggestion out of them all.
  19. I would like furniture not to be included with stats in the showcase.

    I want the speed up gift boxes from last year. Where you could exchange to get rarer speed ups.

    Like was mentioned before avatar selection is very uncomfortable. Hard to find the one you want.
  20. Old Days of PIMD💕