Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Hi! I'm not sure if this thread is still heard as it has tons of suggestions and posts and I wasn't able to read it all but I just want to add a suggestion

    Please make a button or toggle option to not see the spin animation of spinner 🙏🏻 it saves a lot of time if it automatically shows the prize after clicking.

    Same goes for the boxes and timers, please make a button or toggle to show the items in one go ✨

    Thank you and more power 🌟
  2. Also additional suggestion

    As the players are already strong enough to kill a bar by a single person or two, I think that it's reasonable enough to adjust the parties or revamp or add new kind of party that is harder to finish or longer to finish with the current levels of players to balance it out.

    Especially on regular EC parties as it was too fast to finish for small accounts if they are in clubs with many strong players.
  3. For POTD clubs, that’s what the PPOTD parties are for. And for ec, that’s what the invite parties are for. Notice that only 8mcs and up are able to hit the 10hr/22inv party.
  4. Hope we can have a regular PPOTD like party in ECS too and not only seasonal one like invis party. So that many people will be able to hit the party as dogs and cats and kinis can be finished roughly 15-20mins by now. Unless the club adjusts the rules by limiting the max MCS of players that can join ☺️🙏🏻