Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Me too!!
  2. Also open all button for the speed up reward boxs
  3. Please make pvp an alternate way to get hunt drops and complete stories alongside parties🤠🙏. 2 or 3 pvp hunts a year doesn't cut it.
    MayaTheHopeful and POISON like this.
  4. Hey ATA 🌹 can y'all please make keys tradable so people can also buy them off people with chibis/bentos. would make the game so much better/easier. Because sometimes games are too difficult to complete for a lot of ec. You included one of my suggestions already and possibly others about watching ads for DNS thank you for that btw it also helps out a lot 🌹
    j0rdan, POISON and MYSTICWOLF1984 like this.
  5. I don't know anybody noticed or not and I want people to test it whether it is happening with everyone or with just only with me that if you start trading with 3 people and all the three people unfriend you you won't be able to initiate more trades with new people not be able to initiate any trade with someone else. After 24 hours you can again start trades. Wooooe...... It's just happened with me and I don't know what to do with it here I can send help ticket but it would take some time to get reply from them from the developer so I am writing this here and asking peoples to experiment it if possible.
    And if you want to get rid of it you have to wall that player to add you back and cancel the trade but sometimes the block you.
  6. i completely agree with the first point, it’d be nice to just be able to toggle your availability. Tradeable kinis and cats are a great idea too.

    Another point I would like to suggest is a better way to open boxes that require EC, maybe watching a limited amount of ads or so, to open etc.

    also, customizable Avis are a nice idea too.
    -iZombie_Wolf-666 likes this.
  7. I have a few suggestions myself
    🔮1. All the extra animal feed I would like to see a online community market where we can sell it to players maybe for ec or for in game cash pretty sure a lot would agree with me on this
    🔮2. not just the animal feed the fruits and stuff too that way it’s a little easier to upgrade animals.
    🔮3. give us a community market where we can sell timer boxes and the timer eggs 🥚 pretty sure a lot would agree with me on here too. That’s all for the suggestions for now gonna call it a night good night world 🌎
    POISON likes this.
  8. A button to open all timer boxes. Ain’t no one got time to open all the boxes . Let’s be real
  9. Yes, I totally agree
  10. Does anybody else not notice Character needing socks? 😅
    MayaTheHopeful, KaiIto and ignSUCKS like this.
  11. Socks are overrated

    Edit: But another avatar with a dog running away with a sock while the avatar only has one on would be kinda cool. Like an avatar in jammies
    Kitt3n and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  12. I recommend a multiplier on the spinner. I spun 500+ spins the other day and hated every moment. Maybe a multiplier of x1-x5 would be cool.
  13. Spinning all at once would be cool 🌚 just like timer box
  14. Not sure if this has been suggested because I haven’t read through all the comments but I’d love to see a better club management system…

    I think you should be able to select a ‘club type’ - whether it is a POTD club or EC club. If POTD is selected, the management options probably wouldn’t need to change all that much, however if EC was selected, it would be cool to have perm and merc slots rather than guests and full members. Would also be good to have a party counter of sorts and then some system in place where you could autokick a member when the party counter reached the number they had booked too. I don’t know - I think something to that extent would reduce the need for external apps when admining at an EC club.
  15. After reading a few threads I wanted to share my own suggestion.
    1: some way of searching through showcases for certain hunts / separating them in the showcase via color (like how starred is purple, the color background can match the hunt theme) as a player whose trying to collect, it may make it easier.
    angelbutterfly1984 likes this.
  16. Also creating a seperate wishlist/ buy list tab would kind of be cool for iso items, instead of relying on only the un/starred. This could be public/private/ friends only. But it would add to the ability to collect items in the game. And I saw someone post the x1 x5 multipliers on spinners and I think that would be cool too cause I can spend 10 minutes straight just spinning sometimes.
    MayaTheHopeful, j0rdan, Lumi and 2 others like this.
  17. Make more stickers and chat games stuff like that
  18. Omg yes
    flameSy likes this.
  19. Yes I agree too
    flameSy likes this.
  20. -Sort option when gifting or trading
    Option to gift/trade from starred showcase
    angelbutterfly1984 likes this.