Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Leaderboard is for top 100. Thats 200 people (100 per server) out of the entire game of at least tens of thousands of people. It is impossible for everyone to get it. The way leaderboard works in anything is if you want to get higher up you have to put in the effort and work for it. Leaderboard on internet games is ALWAYS going to go to those who are willing to spend the most money. Nothing about that is going to change ever
    StrongDreamer likes this.
  2. Why do the moaners always post with a alt
  3. 1. A Taylor Swift themed event or something, maybe something related to her songs. It'd be amazing!
    2. A personal sticky note kinda page to write down personal notes, private or public. Would be helpful to save a few pointers.
  4. it would've been easier, if in gifting showcase items, anything on your starred items are also highlighted.. since there is no query in GIFT option 🙈🙈 sorry english not very good 😂😂
    KraftDinner and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  5. Pumpkin head avatar for Halloween 🎃
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  6. I think we should have a feature in clubs that show when you joined 😄. sorry if this was already suggested, I've always wanted to know when I joined but can never remember.

    (Also I love how this says I'm a new member 🥴I'll be going on 8yrs on pimd)
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  7. New to forums since it changed. Its based on hpw many likes you have got on posts as well
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  8. Do you mean that your logs (in the 🛎️ icon) doesn’t show you for a long period like 48 hours (in between all the logs for parties; invites; rewards ) ?

    Also, forums is based on how many likes you get per posts. Unless it changes, everyone who begins to write a few messages and get likes to their publications at first. They will be considered as “new member to the forums “ as mentioned by @DinosAreTheOldestCars
  9. A way to mark avatars as favorite so sweet don't need to scroll all the way through the list
  10. -A “max action” option for parties so we don’t have to tap repeat action over and over.

    -Showing when players were last online.

    -The option to choose which gender avatar you get from boxes.

    -Ability to sell furniture back to the store for a percentage of what it’s worth. If I have an extra 999 I could sell it back for maybe 333ec? Regardless of the furniture level it would still be a certain percent of the level 1 price.
  11. I think yall should make a auction system for the Items of Inactive players! This would be for accounts inactive for 6months+ or accounts that have been banned permanently!
  12. I think yall should make a auction system for inactive players items! This would be for accounts that have been banned permanently!

    There would also be a button/option that allows players who plan to leave allow their items auctioned off.

    This would be a better idea of it

  13. In reply to @Confusing_Cute @PeachyKitty & @Pandora_in_Lunaticland

    I’m guessing , you will specify your suggestion with the type of device since I believe IOS there’s a possibility to mark your avatar as your favorite but not on android yet.
  14. We genuinely need a open all button for our lite boxes and the speed up reward box. I’m tired of continuously opening one box especially if you have a lot of speedup boxes and lite boxes.
    --SPICY-- likes this.
  15. Not lite or standsrd boxes. It would cause constant server crashes/lag spikes near the end of collectathons ect from people trying to just sneak to the top in 1 hit
  16. That wouldnt work. The black market traders and big momey spenders would be the ones to get everything due to having the bentos to pay higher for stuff
  17. Each hunt should release both white and black/brown avatars. Like the side story hunt can have the same avis in white , main hunt can have same avis in black and one of them can be brown. Avis can be same but different tones or totally different from eachother. But I'm tired of being stuck with an avi that I don't relate with for the whole hunt.
    There should be an option to trade or gift ec
    An option to trade monthly avatar coins.
    If you're going to give us avatar boxes. They should be tradeable.
    Aiodahn likes this.
  18. Trading/gifting ec got removed coz people were abusing it. It will never be added back
  19. Lmao 6 months isn't a long time that would be so unfair to players who return after years and had spent money + time.
  20. - login rewards. Could be made to work with the theme of the hunt and another way to get items and not just from spinner. (Would be a good way for ios users to get free ec too since the offer wall sucks)
    - add pronouns to the profile
    - favorite avis
    - trade avis
    - showcase and items for sell would be nice to be separate. Some want to show off some of their items and sell items too. If the showcase could be named too, that would be fun.
    - clubs for actually ban people.
    - open all boxes with one click
    Aiodahn likes this.