Reality plus Internet BULLY ISSUE

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Katedizzy, May 28, 2012.

  1. Bumping x.x
  2. Awesome Thread!!!
  3. Nice thread, I agree bullying is a problem and more needs to be done about it. 
  4. Your very welcome! It's right down to the point too!
  5. I agree Pample.
  6. How many people here would actually try to help stop bullying?
  7. Bullying can't be stopped. All you can do is complain. Give me an example on how you would stop bullying please?
  8. that's my point, I said try
  9. Well, to the OP, how would you suggest we remove bullying from PIMD without being bullies ourselves, oh great one.
    Debate with me ;)
  10. I figured it out!!!

    We kill them all... And then blame it on the mods.

    Only kidding
  11. Maybe I should have said this when I was talking about bullying:

    If you can't beat 'em join 'em.