Reality plus Internet BULLY ISSUE

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Katedizzy, May 28, 2012.

  1. Learned my lesson? Everyone laughed and I have a bunch of friends. I guess I learned how to get away with it.

    Hey Ethan. I used to be in great shape when I was a kid now I'm super fat (as you clearly saw in my picture on the picture thread)
  2. Freeze... I think Yam wins the crazy contest. 
  3. That's sad to hear Abdul.  Debate, Debate, Debate
  4. Online bullying not only is real but is the fastest growing in the world.  you're saying you shouldn't ever be able to play on your phone or computer because of bullies? It doesn't work that way. The victim shouldn't have to sacrifice anything.
  5. Yes it is growing and it is real. Sad some people don't even realize that fact, though. Debate, Debate, Debate
  6. What is sad about what I said?

    Bullying only occurs because someone with shitty self-esteem gets mocked and then feels sorry for there self. The true bullying problem is not with the bully and the person, it is the inter-conflict of the person. Who gives a fuck what people think about you?
  7. You aren't fat jake!!!
  8. Some people do.  Just because some of us hide our emotions does not mean some of us take things more harshly than others. People have traumas. If someone bullies someone, for an example, it could trigger a trauma of their past leading to depression and worse suicide. Debate, Debate, Debate
  9. You're an idiot dude. Nobody goes around with no friends being mocked, taunted, made fun of, separated from everyone else, and feels good about themselves. That lane excuse is only a fail answer to verbal bullying. Even if people don't care what others think about them they might care about being shoved into lockers or beaten. 
  10. I'm not sure what I wrote made sense. I was busy all day x.x my tiredness is making me un-understandable. Sorry in advance. 
  11. Don't tell me you'd sit there and deal with people putting you down every hour of every day.
  12.  BLOCKEY!!! My idol!  Thanks for posting in this thread. Your wisdom is appreciated. 
  13. Trauma is a personal issue. Don't blame others for not being emotional. Humans have progressively become more pathetic.

    Picture a lion. Let's say this lion "had a bad day" and another lion came up acting tough. He was strutting his shit and all up in the other lions face, then the emotional lion runs away to cry.

    Now that's a strange ass analogy but you get the point. The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I don't give a fuck if what your personal issues are, if I have an opinion I'll voice it. If you don't like it and you kill yourself then wow...
  14. Have you always had your head up your ass Abdul?
  15. Blockey all I'm saying is it's their own fault. No one actually has no chance to make friends. If you think so then you're sadly mistaken. You have to show some initiative in live. The people that you see kill themselves don't. They have every opportunity to voice themselves.
  16. I don't think I ever have. I'm not that flexible Des.
  17. You sure? Because it seems as if you're pretty flexible ATM.
  18. It has nothing to do with me. This is a debate thread it is to voice out everyone's opinions. But what I said is true in many cases. And no, we have actually become more intelligent in the past recent years. With time comes improvement in a species. (Sorry, going off topic a bit now back on!) I don't know why you are saying "you" and so on. I am not the one who wants to commit suicide. It is just that in many cases people have been bullied in different ways and no matter what way the bullying occurs, it hurts the person for life. It won't heal, deep down the mental and/or physical abuse will stay within that person. I know it has for me and some others who I will keep confidential. 
  19. Well, let me just say: People don't beat me up, they just say harsh things, at the end of the day I say "Bitch please" and go to sleep