Hm.. I'm assuming you don't use social network and so on. Bullying occurs everywhere. People just don't bother to notice.
^_^ I got fail-bullied as a child... All they did was motivate me, I used to be fat as a child, and now i'm very fit and i'm ready to get revenge.
I'm always online. There's always the block button, unfriend, or anything else. You could just not log on at all, if it's that bad. Believe me, I right code, I play countless games. I think I'd know the Internet by now.
You still hold a grudge? If it were me I would have gotten over it. Unless you still are a kid... Then I get why you aren't over it. Debate, Debate, Debate
If you read my article... I suggested what you wrote to prevent the bullying Bunanza. But yes there are still sites that do not have blocks. Open chat rooms for example. Debate Debate Debate
I'm not going to kill them or anything, but when i'm 40 and still in great shape, and they have torn acl and back surgery, i'll rub it in thier faces lol
And Bunanza, some people do not know better as you being an Internet senior as you make yourself out to be should be aware of. There are always new people that are learning about the Internet and so on. Debate, Debate, Debate
It's kind of fun being bullied, I just have comebacks, they get pissed, I say "You Mad Bro?" and start singing "trolololo"