Lol tiny. Its kinda like a too good to be true thing. Not as in I dont ever see a future with this guy. Just things like that don't happen. Meeting the love of your life on a game. Or at least I didnt think it did.
These stories are awesome! Made me want to share my own version but it's a little complicated.... nevertheless..these made my faith in online romance reignited!
-rds-i_put_the_fire_out- is my rl fiance We met in his work uhm i liked his ass, for real. it was love at first sight :lol:
It can happen Ash, I found the love of my life on here (well not on pimd it was on a third party app) but he does have an account here now. Lol Just make sure he really is the person he says he is if you really feel like it's too good to be true, cuz it's a big issue on here it seems. Then if you're sure then why not meet and see how it feels to be with him, because it's definitely different when you meet in person but like I said, good luck with that I hope everything works out with you and this person you love.
Im so happy to see this bump, i was asking Alan who made this thread, not whom i thought it was. I wanna read more. So please post you love stories
I'm in a relationship with my right hand. I feel awful though as I'm cheating on her with my left hand
Myself and -AD_CelticsShayShay_ are a rl couple, although we did not meet here on pimd we do love playing the game togther. We are not officially married yet, however we are engaged and plan to set a date in the near future. Much love to the love of my life and life would not be the same without you baby.
I started playing this game a year ago and I met this beautiful girl named Alexis. We hit it off from the start and we dated for a while. Soon we grew apart and broke up. When I came back to the game me and her connected and we have been on and off ever since. This is number 6 lol and we plan to make it last. Not only is she my gf but she's my bestfriend and I don't see myself with anyone better then her I love you babe