
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by brodyinyourface, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. One word nooooooooooooooooooooooooooob
  2. Brody im not that much of a noob! But im still poor enough to not be able to help you
  3. Bahhahahah!
  4. Haw u heard of someone helping me and plus u guys have no life just trolling here and there on my other forum u stalkers dang dude
  5. U guys r annoying just messaging here and there u guys take everything serious trying to gang up on me lol funny
  6. Lol... Coming from someone talking low on others...and someone who search me up after I mentioned my name... Hypocrite. 
  7. Searched********************
  8. Who started it u guys did trying to be tough omg ur so annoying u guys can't give up in things can u go talk to friends in real life it's night time here so don't be saying I don't have friends
  9. I probably have more than you..... Bleh. Coming from someone who just insulted us again.... Hypocrite... 
  10. U r annoying okay dude can u ever give up ok, u wanna cookie. U mad bro
  11. I'm not mad.... Why did you think I am mad?  I'm laughing my *** off here about how much of a hypocrite you are. 
  12. Tell me why I'm a hypocrite again and if ur not mad shut up ur annoying or u like annoying people for a living
  13. Is it too hard to type you or is your ego bigger than your stats? :roll:
  14. Lol.... You said I'm taking things serious... And you're sitting here being noob about how annoyed you are. You talk about me getting serious when you're sitting here or whatever insulting me.....Hahahahaha and you said you didn't even care if I trolled here... 

    Btw, it is my occupation. It was made for people like you.  Feel special!
  15. Keep commenting keep it up guys wanna reach the achievement to have 100 letters in forum keep it up
  16. Being serious cuz ur being serious
  17.  *****, please. There is no achievement. Do you think we joined yesterday?
  18. 100 letters?  well you already posted over 100.. Now leave with your rude-ness. 
  19. No there is keep commenting need 100 posts please 