Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 5/10 Honestly, you've got a lot going on. Some matches and some doesn't. It looks like you're trying to complete the Heart Nouveau dorm. So don't worry, you'll get all the pieces to your puzzle.
  2. 7/10 an ok mix.
    I'd take a nap in it.
  3. 7.5/10 seems better without 999
  4. 8/10 not my fav but it's very well done.
    rate_my_dorm likes this.
  5. Interesting mix

    I need suggestion for floor btw. Tryst floor covered the 499
  6. 1/10 Looks like you've gone inactive. Just starter furniture. 😕
  7. 5/10

    I don’t like the amount of different purples lmao
  8. 9/10 it’s a cool set, just enjoy seeing some different furnis mixed in personally
  9. Rate mine please, missing 499, any suggestions?
  10. Oh goodness, I personally love it. I love the flow of the room, how comfy it is, and just the fact you're beautifully matched furniture from different hunts. The only I don't like so far is the 999. It sticks out like a sore thumb and sadly disrupts the flow of the room. So I'm gonna give you a 9/10 cause of the 999, doesn't really matter you don't have a 499. However! If you're looking a 499 for possibly go with the room, I'm gonna recommend
    Chopsuey likes this.
  11. Sorry had to go look them up. I would recommend the Goblin Cottage, Romantic Picnic, Willow the Cat, or just any of the Autumn based 499s in store.
    Chopsuey likes this.
  12. thank u so much, Yes, I know my 999 doeant fit. I cant buy a new one coz their so expensive. thank u so much for your suggestions. Appreciate them a lot 🥰
  13. *they're
  14. Can someone please explain why some people are rated in T 100 yet most of those rated aren't even close to what the title of subject is? EXAMPLE : SAFARI 😤 T10 is mostly BOTANICAL SMH COME ON PEOPLE use your IMAGINATION even if you have mixed items most rooms don't have to consist of the exact hunt items , just items that resemble the subject sings🎶🎶🎶 Where's your imagination ?
  15. And so what, this was my opinion😑don't come for me
  16. Suprisingly cozy 9/10

    Critic / opinion on my dorm for improvement pls ty tried baroque dorm also but the 499 kinda meh
  17. 9/10 I am in love with that 999 honestly. The only thing that sticks out is your bottom shelf item, I would go with something that blends a little better color wise but otherwise great job! I love to see creative dorms with different sets used
  18. 9/10 The color scheme is everything. The only thing that doesn't quite fit for me is the middle shelf and the above bed
  19. 9.5/10 I love your dorm! It's not something that I'd personally go for but I love the way you mixed the furni and created something so cozy. The one thing I'd change tho would probably be the wallpaper. It's lovely but other wallpapers would probably fit better with the greeneries and the furniture to match with their color scheme

    Also, can't really decide which 999 to get so some suggestions would be great!
  20. 8/10 I like the mix of stellarama and others, it makes the blue pop. Personally, though, I think that the lamp, plant, and middle shelf don't quite fit? And as for 999ec, maybe the Hammock and Chair one (I think it's one of the co-z 999) or maybe the spring showers one?