Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 1/10.
    Lunita likes this.
  2. Rate mine kindly πŸ‘€
  3. Complete dorm set. 8/10
    Only marking two points below cause I wanna you see be creative hun. Great choice for a dorm though.
  4. Hb now? I change dorm daily
  5. Rate my dorm
  6. I'm gonna be honest with you hun, it looks like a therapists office. Or an office in a hospital. I'm just saying. It's all very crisp and clean, I kinda wish there was more color but that's just me. I'm say 9.8/10-only cause I want more color but otherwise nice job matching.
  7. Looks good. The plush and emote furniture is very similar so it's not surprising it'd match so well. Let's go with 9.8/10.
    rate_my_dorm likes this.

  8. Thank you love ❀️ i like clean white minimalist style 😊
  9. 9.5/10

    Anyway i need suggestion. Which bed is better for my dorm πŸ‘€
  10. 10/10 even tho I'm not into it, it's very well done. It has all or most of the pieces of the set.
    I'd probably visit it as if it was a dragon museum.
    rate_my_dorm likes this.
  11. 8/10 | It looks good! I'm a big fan of champagne space, it just feels a bit off with the 999. Otherwise it's awesome!
    Epistemologia likes this.
  12. 9/10 I LURVEEE, it's so aesthetically pleasing to the eye but smth about the bed just don't sit right with the walls but cool colour combo πŸ’–
  13. 8.5/10 Love the overall vibe I really like the cool tones. The only thing I would adjust would be the shelves they are a bit warm. πŸ’›
    Achezz likes this.
  14. 10/10 vibes! Beautiful room wish it was real life. I want that wallpaper in my room.
    -Mystique likes this.
  15. Your room is one of my favourite hunts so im gonna be biased πŸ₯Ή 9.5/10
    Leaving 0.5 because it’d like to see some mix-match of different furni sets πŸ˜‹
    Ps. That 999 πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
  16. 8/10 I love the galaxy 😍 that was furniture is just everything. Though kinda sad it’s not the full set, but it’s an expensive set so I get it.

    your avi matches perfectly in your dorm
    Btw πŸ₯°
    Luminaris likes this.
  17. 10/10 one of my fav, treasured dorm
    Better version of 499 also noice
  18. not a fan of complete dorm but this one is nice 8/10
  19. 6/10. The couch and stuffed animals seem really out of place.
  20. 10/10 complete and perfect dorm.