Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. V space
  2. 9/10 very cozy dorm. The above desk and above chair seem a little out of place tho.
  3. Your dorm be dark as fuck. Cant see shit
  4. ^clean and well put together. 9/10
  5. 10/10 absolutely gorgeous, everything works well together!! Look amazing
  6. 10/10 nice blend of furniture everything matches nicely, love the space vibe!
  7. 10/10 Cool and cozy in a refreshingly unique way!
  8. 7/10 mix matching (?) looks nice but it doesn't look put together that well imo.
  9. 9/10 love the vibes but 999 for me feels slightly out of place
  10. Nice color contrast except for the 499, 7/10
  11. 9/10 very 80s, love it.
  12. 9/10
    looks like the bedroom of one of those self help YouTubers who wakes up at 5 am for a cold shower I hate it good job.
  13. I love your response, so funny.

    10/10 I love your room!! All of the colors work very well together and even the contrasts bring out the other colors really well. Love the art school vibes!
  14. 8/10 I like it, but the bee furni kinda throws it off a little. Still looks cozy though
    FieryTigress likes this.
  15. Wow this room is so cool love the cats and the colors r great together 10/10
  16. 10/10
    Just in time for Easter and spring.
  17. 10/10 i dig the color. would love to have that as my dorm tbh. i love dorms with mixnmatch furnis from different hunts and not from a single set

    (btw i know i lack 499 and 999ecs so pls exempt that when ratingđŸ¥º)
  18. Ok this is my first post on the forum lol but this seemed cool

    6/10 the room has a cool color scheme although it’s a bit mismatched in some places
  19. Wow that green dorm is awesome 7/10 cuz its missing furni but iknow once u complete the dorm it will be a 10/10 I'm positive!. Great job keep up the Good work on ur dorm
    Dopper and macy1666 like this.