9/10 I feel like the 999 doesn’t go with the summer/spring vibes in your dorm, but nonetheless it looks great!
6.5/10 missing several components but what you have looks nice! Doesn't look like every other easter dorm
9 Nice dorm! You have my dream 999 lol it’s too rare and expensive I gave up months ago but your dorm is a nice fusion! Maybe try a diff wp️
9/10! Very Cozy! I’m not a big fan of the flooring and wallpaper pairing but the entire room looks very liveable.
8/10 love the 999ec but the desk there's too many guitars also there pushed away from the wall too far makes them look to close to the bar and it looks awkward with the 499ec but I'm a animal lover too so .
8/10. I love the way you’re going with the room, not just sticking to one hunt, although I don’t thinking the black and white fits the nebula theme very well! I’d try a more neutral dark floor!