Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 10/10 perfect dorm, very relaxing  ?
  2. 8/10 so fluffy would like to stay in
  3. 7/10
    I love the ice dorm but the bookcase doesn’t really fit imo, bummer that hunt didn’t come with an ice bookcase :( other than that it’s just missing a 499
  4. I love it but I hate the rug. 9/10
  5. 10/10
    Love it. Every item correlates perfectly. Love the theme.
  6. 8/10

    Your 999 and bed doesn't fit nicely. But I still like it
  7. 8/10
    I don’t love the plant/chair in there but it has a cool vibe overall, I’m a fan
  8. 8/10.
    it looks cold, just like my heart 
  9. 7/10 I love that 999
  10. 6/10 it looks good but some stuff looks out of place
  11. 9/10 hooch pooch doesnt seem to fit well with the others
  12. Idk about that 999 but love the 499, 9/10
  13. 8/10 I like the vibe, but that rug ain't it chief
  14. 9. I don't think the 999 for very well, but nice overall
  15. 10/10 even tho it doesn’t really match I love all the animals and nature
  16. 7/10 It's missing a lot of stuff, but it's looking pretty awesome!