8.5/10 The room in general looks great. Only downfall is the floor, desk, and plant. It feels a little out of place especially with the wallpaper and the 999 standing out. Other than that, good job.
7. I think you could find a better poster to match color wise and a better plant and above plant to match better theme and color wise.
Giving you a 10/10 because I’m In love with your 999. And I also love your flair and style, plus your usage of other hunts furniture to incorporate into your theme. Good job
10/10 your dorm is so cozy and makes me feel like home. your pieces flow well together and you have a pretty good combination of things without making it feel super matchy-matchy
7/10 I think you need a white bookcase? Its blending so much onto the background and the plant threw me off
Honestly if I was a maid at your dorm I'd probably dance around all day instead of cleaning bc everything looks so bright and beautiful
9.5/10 The room looks great, but the floor seems to not match with it. It stands out from the rest of your furniture. Great job though.
8/10 It's all new and this hunts and I like that but my personal favorite is combining different hunts and giving the dorm a more personal touch
9. It's a beautifully executed theme. I like the consistency in color and theme; I do feel the poster stands out a bit.