Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 10. I find it well put together
  2. 4.5/10 - No 999, fugly 499 & desk is not suitable for your room?
  3. 10 ✅ i love celestia themed dorms! Great job
  4. 10. i would definitely have my actual room like that
  5. 8/10, it's very fun and blue! Me likey
  6. 10/10 You've got literally my favorite color (which is purple) all over the place. Would definitely wanna be there for like a sleepover.
  7. 8-10, love the dark theme to it! I’d totally nap on that couch tho haha
  8. 6. I don't find much creativity in it being all one hunt... Except the bed.
  9. 8. The 499 doesn’t work with the room as much as the other pieces do
  10. 9/10 I like it, it feels rather bright as soon as you enter, and it looks good too.
  11. 9. It all looks great, but the texture of the above desk gives me the heebie-jeebies. o_O
  12. 8.5/10

    I love a lot of it, but then a few things kinda seem out of place with the rest. Very bright and cute. ️
  13. 7/10
    the theme is inconsistent but I do like some of the individual items, just not together :)

    (also, don’t mind my 999 I’m selling it)
  14. 9/10, ignoring the 999, the only thing that’s off is the desk :)
  15. 9/10

    floors and walls don't match, yes im still petty over the snow ball hunt and got triggered

    still cute
  16. 9/10 love your dorm! There’s just something throwing it off a little. Might be nightstand & lamp??? But not too sure
  17. 9. I like the theme and execution of it; the edges of the 999 don't blend well though I feel.
  18. 9/10 I like it lots maybe a better 499/poster could be used tho?