Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 10/10. No complaints, it’s pretty. ?
  2. 8/10 missing 999 and wp seems a bit off..
  3. 10/10 adore neutral color pallets mixed like this ?
  4. 10/10 cute dorm!
  5. 7/10. I can’t tell if you’re going for a darker or lighter theme LOL
  6. 8.5/10 Super cute,
    Feel the 999 is a bit off tho
  7. 8/10 999 doesn’t fit
  8. 10/10

    I’ve always loved that theme
  9. 9/10

    just bc of the 499
  10. 7/10, wallpaper doesn’t match
  11. 9/10 just missing that 999 ;0
  12. 9/10 I like it.
  13. cute af 10/10