Oooh very interesting dorm if we put your dorm and my dorm together it looks like it’s the whole house cause of our color scheme and decor items very similar hehe??10 ✅
9/10 so lovely and like your name suggests, warm! Geode 999 might look nice. (Remodeling any recommendations lmk)
10/10 your dorm looks so “Co-Z” makes me want to take a nap in it lol (Can someone recommend me another 999 that’ll fit my dorm better. Ty)
8/10, I like the furniture you have but it doesn't seem to mix well. I have a hard time figuring out what the issue is but I think it has something to do with the wallpaper and desk? The desk is really bright compared to the rest of the room. I think the biblio 999 would look really well